Find your Jesus Focus score on the Gatherer Assessment.
Your score will slot you into the appropriate level, which indicates your strength in the Jesus Focus competency.
You slot into:
- Level 1 if you scored between 16 and 20,
- Level 2 if you scored between 11 and 15, and
- Level 3 if you scored under 11.
Read further down this page to learn more about your Jesus Focus Score.
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Jesus Focus–Level 1
Level 1: (16-20) You are at a healthy place in your transformational journey in Jesus Christ. Work at growing. As you stay focused on your personal walk with Jesus, you are ensuring fruitful gathering work! Personal transformation is one of the most essential keys to gathering – as you stay on your spiritually transformational walk in Jesus more fruit awaits.
This is an area of great attack from the enemy. In your key relationships in the GSE church start, keep vulnerable with others on your personal journey in Jesus Christ. Work to recognize the ways that proactive time with Jesus is attacked and challenged. See those challenges and over come them.
Two coaching questions:
1. What challenge do you recognize as coming next related to your personal walk with Jesus?
2. In what ways are you open to your other leaders in your GSE church?
Jesus Focus–Level 2
Level 2: (11-15) You are living a life in Jesus. You have areas to grow in related to your walk in Jesus Christ. Spiritual transformation in Jesus Christ is one key to effective gathering in starting a new church. As this area grows in your life, your gathering effectiveness will likely grow.
This area of personal growth will continue to be attacked and challenged by the enemy, life etc. Taking intentional steps to grow here is key. The benefits to this growth are all across the board, not just for gathering. Connection to your shepherd and regional leader/coach can benefit you a lot.
Two coaching questions:
1. What do you recognize already as next steps for your own personal growth?
2. This part of your life is under attack in some ways, how many ways can you name now?
Jesus Focus–Level 3
Level 3: (Under 11) This important part of your life is in need of a lot of work and improvement so as to grow as an effective gatherer. Since spiritual transformation is one of the keys to gathering, your intentional growth here is key.
This focused growth, personally in Jesus Christ, can be measured in many ways. Your connection to others is key for this growth to happen. Your shepherd can help you a lot. Invest time there.
Two coaching questions:
1. What do you recognize already as next steps for your own personal growth?
2. This part of your life is under attack in some ways, how many ways can you name now?