Find your Mission Focus score on the Gatherer Assessment.
Your score will slot you into the appropriate level, which indicates your strength in the Mission Focus competency.
You slot into:
- Level 1 if you scored between 16 and 20,
- Level 2 if you scored between 11 and 15, and
- Level 3 if you scored under 11.
Read further down this page to learn more about your Mission Focus Score.
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Mission Focus: Level 1
Level 1: (16-20) Outstanding! You recognize the importance of Jesus’ mission! This focus point is critical – it touches why we do what we do. Your continued focus and growth in this area is important. Jesus mission is what can keep you going when life is hard and difficult; when those you are gathering are not responding etc.
Growth here is expressed in many ways; one to mentions is to keep gathering in the field – a key expression of Jesus’ mission from your own life and calling. Having your key relationships around continues to fuel this focus on what Jesus calls us to and why.
Two coaching questions:
- What do you enjoy most about living Jesus’ mission?
- What are other key steps you can take to continue to grow your passion for Jesus’ mission?
Mission Focus: Level 2
Level 2: (11-15) Congratulations! Jesus’ mission is active in your life – keep it that way! Jesus’ mission answers the question of why we do what we do. To keep this ‘why?’ question answered is critical. You have room for more growth here; do indeed enjoy engaging it!
Growth can include engagement with a trusted coach, regional leader or shepherd where you are weak in engaging Jesus’ mission and how to improve. That feedback can help bring greater clarity to you and your gathering work.
Two coaching questions:
- What are key questions you would like to be asked and processed related to Jesus’ mission?
- What do you see as ‘holes’ in your understanding of Jesus’ mission?
Mission Focus: Level 3
Level 3: (Under 11) One of the reasons you are struggling, as a gatherer, is likely related to this focus of Jesus’ mission. As you engage greater growth here, the benefits are likely profoundly impactful. This struggle with Jesus mission can have many forms.
Growth in this area can include conversation with key, trusted friends in whose life you appreciate their focus on Jesus’ mission. Perhaps these conversations and observations can help drive you deeper into the biblical expressions of Jesus’ mission in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts.
Two coaching questions:
- When asked, what is the most effective way you have to tell someone else what Jesus’ mission is?
- As you think of the most effective person you know on this topic of Jesus’ mission, what is the best question you would ask them?